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# Using  BAR2(data,base)  I can create bar graphs that do not start from 0
#     (I can put  noGrid=1  in front of it if I do not want to print the grid)
da<- c(237.5,137.5,125)
BarNames = c("A","B","C"); BAR2(da,0)
# cyan,pink,...   237.5 137.5 125 
# cyan,pink,... % 47.5 27.5 25
BarNames = c("A","B","C"); BAR2(da,120)
# cyan,pink,...   237.5 137.5 125 
# cyan,pink,... % 47.5 27.5 25 
# Obviously, the second representation is deceptive and should be used only
# together with the first when you want to better visualize the values.
Other examples of use