source("")    # If I have not already loaded the library
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# Example: average consumption of kg of fresh fruit per year by an Italian.
year = c(1880,1890,1900,1910,1920,1930,1940,1950,1960,1970,1980)
fruit = c(19,  21,  23,  28,  31,  27,  23,  37,  65,  88,  79)
# max is useful for choosing the "Plane": I find the maximum is 88, so I change y
# between 0 and 90
# [1] 88
BF=4; HF=2.5
Plane(1880,1980, 0,90)
polyline(year,fruit, "blue"); POINT(year,fruit,"brown")
# I also put two inscriptions along the axes with these commands:
abovex("year"); abovey("fruit")
# Let's see how to enter the data in tabular form.
# I prepare an 11-row, 2-column table. I call it G.
G = array(dim=c(11,2))
# With:
# I insert data (and names) in the table on the left obtaining the table on the right:
# Then I click [X]. With:
# I obtain:
      year fruit
 [1,] 1880    19
 [2,] 1890    21
 [3,] 1900    23
 [4,] 1910    28
 [5,] 1920    31
 [6,] 1930    27
 [7,] 1940    23
 [8,] 1950    37
 [9,] 1960    65
[10,] 1970    88
[11,] 1980    79
# G[1,1] is 1880, G[1,2] is 19, G[2,1] is 1890, .., G[11,2] is 79.
BF=4; HF=2.5
Plane(1880,1980, 0,90)
abovex("year"); abovey("fruit")
