# Upload this file:
mcs = read.table("http://macosa.dima.unige.it/R/macosa.txt",header=FALSE,sep=",")
# It puts in  mcs  a table of points. You will get the word  MaCoSa
# The extremes in which the points are:
mo = min(mcs$V1); Mo <- max(mcs$V1)
mv = min(mcs$V2); Mv <- max(mcs$V2)
# The word:
BH=4; HF=2
PLANEww(mo,Mo, mv,Mv)
polyline(mcs$V1, mcs$V2, "blue")
# What do you get so?
PLANE(mo,Mo, mv,Mv)
polyline(mcs$V1, mcs$V2, "blue")
POINT(mcs$V1, mcs$V2, "red")
# If you want to see the file: