#  Tiles
BF=2.5; HF=2.5 # # With the grid PLANE(-5,5, -5,5) segm(-5,3, 5,3, "blue"); wait(2) segm(-5,-3, 5,-3, "blue"); wait(2) segm(3,5, 3,-5, "blue"); wait(2) segm(-3,5, -3,-5, "blue"); wait(2) polyline(c(-5,5,5,-5,-5),c(-5,-5,5,5,-5),"black"); wait(2) # Without the grid PLANEww(-5,5, -5,5) segm(-5,3, 5,3, "blue"); wait(2) segm(-5,-3, 5,-3, "blue"); wait(2) segm(3,5, 3,-5, "blue"); wait(2) segm(-3,5, -3,-5, "blue"); wait(2) polyline(c(-5,5,5,-5,-5),c(-5,-5,5,5,-5),"black") # # PLANEww(-5,5, -5,5) segm(-5,-5, 5,5, "blue"); segm(-5,5, 5,-5, "blue") segm(-5,0, 0,5, "red"); segm(-5,0, 0,-5, "red") segm(5,0, 0,-5, "red"); segm(5,0, 0,5, "red") polyline(c(-5,5,5,-5,-5),c(-5,-5,5,5,-5),"black") # # PLANEww(-5,5, -5,5) ARC(0,1, 1, 0,180, "red"); ARC(0,-1, 1, 180,360, "red") ARC(-1,0, 1, 90,270, "red"); ARC(1,0, 1, -90,90, "red") circle(0,0, 1, "blue"); circle(0,0, 1/2, "green") circle(3,3, 1.5, "black"); circle(3,3, 1, "orange"); circle(3,3, 1/2, "green") circle(-3,3, 1.5, "black"); circle(-3,3, 1, "orange"); circle(-3,3, 1/2, "green") circle(-3,-3, 1.5, "black"); circle(-3,-3, 1, "orange"); circle(-3,-3, 1/2, "green") circle(3,-3, 1.5, "black"); circle(3,-3, 1, "orange"); circle(3,-3, 1/2, "green") polyline(c(-5,5,5,-5,-5),c(-5,-5,5,5,-5),"brown") # # How to modify it to have this: BF=3; HF=3 BOXW(-5,25, -5,25) FIG = function(x,y) { arc(x+0,y+1, 1, 0,180, "red"); arc(x+0,y+-1, 1, 180,360, "red") arc(x+-1,y+0, 1, 90,270, "red"); arc(x+1,y+0, 1, -90,90, "red") circl(x+0,y+0, 1, "blue"); circl(x+0,y+0, 1/2, "green") circl(x+3,y+3, 1.5, "black"); circl(x+3,y+3, 1, "orange"); circl(x+3,y+3, 1/2, "green") circl(x+-3,y+3, 1.5, "black"); circl(x+-3,y+3, 1, "orange"); circl(x+-3,y+3, 1/2, "green") circl(x+-3,y+-3, 1.5, "black"); circl(x+-3,y+-3, 1, "orange"); circl(x+-3,y+-3, 1/2, "green") circl(x+3,y+-3, 1.5, "black"); circl(x+3,y+-3, 1, "orange"); circl(x+3,y+-3, 1/2, "green") polyline(c(-5,5,5,-5,-5)+x,c(-5,-5,5,5,-5)+y,"brown") } FIG(0,0); FIG(10,0); FIG(20,0) FIG(0,10); FIG(10,10); FIG(20,10) FIG(0,20); FIG(10,20); FIG(20,20)