First example / Primo esempio.
The first example, incorporated into the initial version of the program  /  Il primo esempio, incorporato nella versione inziale del programma

The three lines in which to insert the inputs  /  Le tre righe in cui inserire gli input

nN = 8
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; I can put in N more than nN values;
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 6, 15, 12, 11, 6, 3, 2, 2]
color = "seagreen"  
// you can change color:  "blue"  "red"  "seagreen"  "brown"  "magenta"  "black"  "grey"

Second example / Secondo esempio.
What to change to get the histogram on the right  /  Cosa cambiare per ottenere l'istogramma a destra
nN = 3
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 9, 8, 6]
color = "seagreen"  

    Third example / Terzo esempio.
How to compare two histograms on the same scale and how to color them differently  /  Come confrontare nella stessa scala due istogrammi e come colorarli diversamente
nN = 8
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 7, 17, 13, 10, 5, 4, 1, 3]
color = "blue"  

nN = 8
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 6, 15, 12, 11, 6, 3, 2, 2, 17]
color = "red"

Fourth example / Quarto esempio.
Another example  /  Un altro esempio
nN = 3
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 9, 8, 6, 18]

nN = 3
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 11, 10, 6, 18]

nN = 3
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; ...
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 18, 13, 1]

Fifth example / Quinto esempio.
At most the frequencies and classes can be 26. For more classes use these scripts  /  Al massimo le frequenze e le classi possono essere 26. Per più classi usa questi script.

nN = 26
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; I can put in N more than nN values;
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26]
color = "magenta"  
// you can change color:  "blue"  "red"  "seagreen"  "brown"  "magenta"  "black"  "grey"

Sixth example / Sesto esempio.
You can change the labels, using the array A. You can insert blank columns.  /  Puoi cambiare le etichette, modificando la "array" A. Puoi inserire delle colonne vuote.

   The vowels featured in this comic
Le vocali presenti in questo fumetto
nN = 9
// nN [ < 27]: number of freq. contained in N to be considered; I can put in N more than nN values;
// the size of the histogram depends on the maximum of the values present in N.
N = [ 18, 0, 23, 0, 22, 0, 22, 0, 11]
color = "blue"  
// you can change color:  "blue"  "red"  "seagreen"  "brown"  "magenta"  "black"  "grey"

A = ["A","","E","","I","","O","","U"]
// You can change A. Then you can put back the original A:
// A = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]