Trondheim (yellow), Genova (red), Melburne (light blue)

The data was retrieved from WolframAlpha typing Trondheim,sun,1/01/2010, ..., Trondheim,sun,1/01/2010, Genoa,sun,1/01/2010,...

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[2010, 2010+1/12, 2010+2/12, 2010+3/12, 2010+4/12, 2010+5/12, 2010+6/12, 2010+7/12, 2010+8/12, 2010+9/12, 2010+10/12, 2010+11/12, 2011, 2011+1/12, 2011+2/12, 2011+3/12, 2011+4/12, 2011+5/12, 2011+6/12, 2011+7/12, 2011+8/12, 2011+9/12, 2011+10/12, 2011+11/12, 2012]
[4+45/60, 7+17/60, 10+13/60, 13+29/60, 16+41/60, 19+43/60, 20+21/60, 17+44/60, 14+30/60, 11+23/60, 8+9/60, 5+20/60, 4+45/60, 7+17/60, 10+13/60, 13+29/60, 16+41/60, 19+43/60, 20+21/60, 17+44/60, 14+30/60, 11+23/60, 8+9/60, 5+20/60, 4+45/60]
[8+55/60, 9+50/60, 11+10/60, 12+46/60, 14+13/60, 15+18/60, 15+29/60, 14+39/60, 13+14/60, 11+44/60, 10+13/60, 9+6/60, 8+55/60, 9+50/60, 11+10/60, 12+46/60, 14+13/60, 15+18/60, 15+29/60, 14+39/60, 13+14/60, 11+44/60, 10+13/60, 9+6/60, 9+6/60]
[14+44/60, 14, 12+56/60, 11+41/60, 10+33/60, 9+43/60, 9+35/60, 10+12/60, 11+16/60, 12+28/60, 13+41/60, 14+34/60, 14+44/60, 14, 12+56/60, 11+41/60, 10+33/60, 9+43/60, 9+35/60, 10+12/60, 11+16/60, 12+28/60, 13+41/60, 14+34/60, 14+44/60]