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// --- base = 4 height -- base = 4 altezza ---

function f(x) { y = 1/0; return y }
aX = 0; bX = 12*9; aY = 0; bY = 450
Dx = 12; Dy = 50

Ly=[41, 44, 72, 79, 197, 62, 0, 200, 52, 95, 155, 108, 71, 34, 257, 37, 161, 68, 0, 20, 14, 7, 63, 112, 172, 67, 48, 197, 16, 30, 63, 24, 115, 42, 88, 34, 70, 159, 30, 115, 65, 30, 95, 61, 88, 276, 112, 42, 187, 35, 111, 64, 101, 61, 11, 26, 25, 149, 0, 70, 10, 97, 27, 286, 12, 5, 14, 232, 57, 38, 6, 22, 34, 19, 7, 142, 2, 25, 6, 68, 61, 349, 84, 157, 44, 71, 61, 27, 93, 44, 67, 0, 423, 145, 57, 0, 47, 44, 65, 78, 16, 110, 28, 49, 391, 245, 54, 72]

for(i=0; i < Ly.length; i=i+1) {Lx[i]=i}
// o: for(i=1; i < L1y.length-1; i=i+1) {L1x[i]=i}
AAX=""; BBX=""; AAY=""; BBY=""
BY="n = "+Ly.length
AY="Dn = "+Dx