If you open arrow1 you see:

I can construct this:

by writing:

(then you can copy the image in Paint or in another software)

If you open arrow2 you see:

In a similar way you can achieve these:

If you want change the flow chart, for example the first, you can open it with an editor, see this, change it and save with another name.

If you want construct this:

you must start from arrow3:

If you want to build this graph or similar graphs:

you must start from arrow4.

If you want to build this graph or similar graphs:

you must start from arrow5 and arrow6.

Another example: arrow7

                ---> G
A ---> B ---> C        ---> F
               |      |
                ---> D
                       ---> E

Of course, you can also just use pre-formatted text (see):

                ———> G
A ———> B ———> C        ———> F
               |      |
                ———> D
                       ———> E
             ---> deep freezing ---> transport -------->
            ^                                           |
            |                                           v
 production  ---> transport ---> wholesale market ---> retail
and harvest |                               |           |
            v                               v           v
             --------------> consumer <-----------------

              popolazione complessiva
             |                       |
  non in eta' lavorativa      in eta' lavorativa
                            |                |
        non in cerca di occupazione      forza-lavoro
                                         |       |
                                   occupati     disoccupati 

You can use pre-formatted text for the structure of terms too:

      |         |
     |√|     __|*|__
      |     |       |
    _|+|_   8     _|-|_
   |     |       |     |
  10     6       5     3
                       -------    √(10+6)/(8*(5-3))