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Un rettangolo e il suo trasformato con / A rectangle and its image by
    (x+iy) → exp(x+iy) = exp(x)(cos(y) + i sin(y))

function f(x) { y = 1/0; return y }
aX = -2; bX = 10; aY = -6; bY = 6
Dx = 1; Dy = 1
// Con/with Qx=[a,b,..]; Qy=[A,B,..] i punti sono gialli / the points are yellow
// Con/with Q1x,Q1y, Q2x,Q2y, Q3x,Q3y  rossi,celesti,verdi / red,cyan,green
// with QQ1x,QQ1y, QQ2x,QQ2y very little light red,blue

for(j=0; j < 2e4; j=j+1) { xp=1+Math.random(); yp=-1+Math.random()*2; QQ2x[i]=xp; QQ2y[i]=yp; i=i+1}

for(j=0; j < 2e4; j=j+1) {xp0=1+Math.random(); yp0=-1+Math.random()*2;
      xp=Math.exp(xp0)*Math.cos(yp0); yp=Math.exp(xp0)*Math.sin(yp0); QQ1x[i]=xp; QQ1y[i]=yp; i=i+1}