Thousand people dead in Italy in 1951, in the age intervals [0,5),[5,10),[10,20),[20,30),[30,40),[40,50),[50,60),[60,75),[75,100).

Sull'asse verticale è rappresentata la frequenza percentuale unitaria (o densità)
On the y axis, the unitary percentage frequency (or density) is represented
(that is the percentage frequencies divided by the amplitude of each interval)
Sull'asse orizzontale ogni quadretto rappresenta un intervallo
On the horizontal axis each square represents an interval

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You can open the Code and modify the function: see the Help

// I: estremi degli intervalli, P: frequenze
I=[0,  1,   2,  3,   4,   5,   6,   7,     8,   9]
P=[ 729, 35,  77, 132, 134, 285, 457, 1401, 1569]; NP=P.length
SUM=0; for(i=0;i<NP;i=i+1)  {SUM=SUM+P[i]}
mean=0; for(i=0;i<NP;i=i+1) {mean=mean+P[i]*(I[i]+I[i+1])/2}; mean=mean/SUM
Tot=0; for(i=0;i<NP;i=i+1) {Tot=Tot+P[i]}; for(i=0;i<NP;i=i+1) {P[i]=P[i]/Tot/(I[i+1]-I[i])}
LLx=[]; j=0; for(i=1;i<=NP;i=i+1) { LLx[j]=I[i-1]; LLx[j+1]=I[i-1]; LLx[j+2]=I[i]; LLx[j+3]=I[i]; j=j+4 }
LLy=[]; j=0; for(i=1;i<=NP;i=i+1) { LLy[j]=0; LLy[j+1]=P[i-1]; LLy[j+2]=P[i-1]; LLy[j+3]=0; j=j+4 }

aX = 0; bX = 9; aY = 0; bY = 3.5/10
Dx = 1; Dy = 0.5/10
XX=[50]; YY=[1/10,2/10,3/10]

yy=YY; xx=XX
L1x=LLx; L1y=LLy
BY = "Tot="+Tot;
AY = "[0,5) [5,10) [10,20) [20,30) [30,40) [40,50) [50,60) [60,75) [75,100]"
AAX=""; BBX=""; AAY="0%"; BBY="35%"
Cgr2="violet"; yy1=yy