1248 / 7368  =  52 / 307

1248/24 = 52,  7368/24 = 307,  24  is the greatest common divisor (è il massimo comune divisore)

3.857142857142857142...   857142/99999 6/7   3.857142857142857142... = 3 + 6/7 = 27/7

0.791666... = 791.666…/1000(791+2/3)/1000 = (791·3+2)/3000 = 2375/3000   19/24
or / ovvero:
0.000666…  →   6;9000 => 6   6/9000 -> 1/1500     then / poi  see/vedi  1/1500 + 791/1000 -> 19/24

  324,  48

Greatest common divisor (massimo comune divisore) and least common multiple (minimo comune multiplo) of 324 and 48.
gcd(324,48) = 12
gcd(A,B) · lcm(A,B) = A·B,  lcm(A,B) = A·B / gcd(A,B)
lcm(324,48) = 324·48 / 12 = 324· 4 = 1296


  360,  252,  300

Greatest common divisor (massimo comune divisore) and least common multiple (minimo comune multiplo) of 360, 252, 300.
gcd(A,B) · lcm(A,B) = A·B

360;252 => 36     360/252 -> 10/7
      gcd of 360,252

 36;300 => 12     36/300 -> 3/25
      gcd of 360,252,300

lcm(360,252) = 360·252 / gcd(360,252) = 360·252 / 36 = 2520

lcm(360,252,300) = lcm(2520,300) = 2520·300 / gcd(2520,300) = 2520·300 / 60 = 2520·5 = 12600

Greatest common divisor (massimo comune divisore) and least common multiple (minimo comune multiplo) can be easily calculated with (possono essere calcolati facilmente con)  cal