Per usare particolari funzioni e costanti matematiche, come ad es.  π  e  x → |x|,  si deve far precedere il nome da Math. Math.PI, Math.abs(x).  Se dopo <script> si mette with(Math){ e prima di </script> si mette }, si possono usare semplicemente i nomi:  PI, abs(x).

To use particular mathematical functions and constants, such as eg.  π  and  x → |x|,  the name must be preceded by Math. Math.PI, Math.abs(x).  If after <script> you put with(Math){ and before </script> you put }, you can simply use the names:  PI, abs(x).

Funzioni e costanti matematiche / Mathematical functions and constants:

  abs(a)       // the absolute value of a
  acos(a)      // arc cosine of a
  asin(a)      // arc sine of a
  atan(a)      // arc tangent of a
  atan2(a,b)   // arc tangent of a/b
  ceil(a)      // integer closest to a and not less than a
  cos(a)       // cosine of a
  exp(a)       // exponential of a
  floor(a)     // integer closest to and not greater than a
  log(a)       // log of a base e
  max(a,b)     // the maximum of a and b
  min(a,b)     // the minimum of a and b
  pow(a,b)     // a to the power b
  random()     // pseudorandom number in the range 0 to 1
  round(a)     // integer closest to a 
  sin(a)       // sine of a
  sqrt(a)      // square root of a
  tan(a)       // tangent of a
  PI           // π
  exp(1)       // e