It is very easy to prepare closed-answer quizzes with built-in answer. An example here, on the structure of the terms: quiz-1

See here the "simple" code of "quiz-1".


Another example of a closed-ended question:  quiz-A (italian) or quiz-A (english).

Other examples, of histograms (bar charts, if the categories into which the data are classified are ordered, are nothing more than particular histograms: just think that the categories can be represented with natural numbers!), which you can replicate by changing the data:  quiz-B,  here:  quiz-C,  here:  quiz-D,  here:  quiz-E.

Two examples (which you can modify by changing the data):  quiz-F,  here:  quiz-G.

Another example (which you can modify by changing the data):  quiz-H.

You can also easily prepare quizzes involving flow charts. See.

You can easily build exercises related to the various scripts on numbers (online or downloaded to your computer): some examples.

(1)  By using this program, get 98 by pressing the least number of keys.

(2)  By using this program, get  −8.89 by pressing the least number of keys.

(3)  By using this program, starting from the hour 0:00, go as far as the time 6:45 by typing as few keys as possible.

(4)  Using this program find the greatest common divisor of 152748 and 1980 [I find: 1 2 3 4 6 9 12 18 36 4243 8486 12729 16972 25458 38187 50916 76374 152748, and: 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 15 18 20 22 30 33 36 44 45 55 60 66 90 99 110 132 165 180 198 220 330 396 495 660 990 1980; therefore is: 36;  you can use this too].

(5)  What is the probability that, throwing two well balanced dice, a number less than 3 comes out? Check answer by using this program.

(6)  By using this program, find the fraction equal to 0.857142857142857...  [M=857142, N=99999, ... -> 6/7].

(7)  By using this program, find the angles of an isosceles triangle knowing that the side different from the others has length 6 and the corresponding height has length 5 (61.93°, 59.04°, 59.04°).

(8)  By using this program, find the solution (rounded to 5 digits) of the system:  x+4/5·y+3·z=5,  2·x-y+9/2·z=11,  -y+z=3  [I find:  1.0976,  -1.3415,  1.6585].