#  it generates N integers (positive or negative) between A and B;
#  it multiplies them all by R;
#  then it adds S to all the values obtained.

Some examples:

Another example: 1000 throws of three balanced dice.

1000 throws of one die:

I put the sequence in the script to add 2 sequences (in a1, a2, ...):

I click "Start" again in the script to generate random numbers.
I put the second sequence in the script to add 2 sequences (in b1, b2, ...).
I click "sum".
I copy the result and put it in "a1, a2, ...".
I click "Start" again in the script to generate random numbers.
I put the third sequence in the script to add 2 sequences (in b1, b2, ...).
I click "sum".
I put the result in the pocket calculator-2:

I get the previous histogram.

Another example: how the time to order N data increases as N increases (with the algorithm present here).

I generate 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 random number:

I order then, and I record the time taken:

If I had:  1000 numbers, 89 ms;  2000 numbers, 313 ms;  4000 numbers, 1223 ms;  8000 numbers, 4898 ms.
313 / 89 = 3.52,  1223 / 313 = 3.91, 4898 / 1223 = 4.00.  Doubling N the time approximately fourfold.
I can deduce that t(N) grows approximately as.
For much larger N values, another algorithm agrees, whose time grows as N·log(N).

About random number generator