Complete the following extract from a history text-book. Use words from the list below (5 words are not to be used)
In 1933 Hitler repudiated the Treaty of [21], refused to pay any further [16], and introduced a programme of full-scale [15]. He had stated his aims in the book Mein [13] ("My Aim") which he had written ten years earlier; and now, with the assistance of his chief supporters - Goebbels, [09], and Himmler - he crushed all opposition within Germany to the Nazi (National [19]) Party, fanned the flames of German nationalism, and began a [04] and cruel persecution of the [12]. He claimed that Germany needed "lebensraum" (living space), and while the rest of Europe [22], he reabsorbed the [18] into Germany in 1935, reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936, and invaded [03] in 1938. In 1935 Italy, seeking for new [06], invaded and conquered [01]; in 1936 both Germany and Italy gave assistance to General [08] in his successful revolt aganist the [17] government in [20]; and in 1938 Italy invaded [02].