Operatori aritmetici:  +   -  (binario e unario)  *   /   %  (14%5 vale 4: divide 14 per 5 e restituisce il resto intero)

JavaScript dispone delle seguenti function come metodi dell'oggetto-libreria Math:

Math.abs(a)     // the absolute value of a
Math.acos(a)    // arc cosine of a
Math.asin(a)    // arc sine of a
Math.atan(a)    // arc tangent of a
Math.atan2(a,b) // arc tangent of a/b
Math.ceil(a)    // integer closest to a and not less than a
Math.cos(a)     // cosine of a
Math.exp(a)     // exponential of a
Math.floor(a)   // integer closest to and not greater than a
Math.log(a)     // log of a base e
Math.max(a,b)   // the maximum of a and b
Math.min(a,b)   // the minimum of a and b
Math.pow(a,b)   // a to the power b
Math.random()   // pseudorandom number in the range 0 to 1
Math.round(a)   // integer closest to a 
Math.sin(a)     // sine of a
Math.sqrt(a)    // square root of a
Math.tan(a)     // tangent of a
Math.PI         // π