Attiva l'esecuzione degli script (tranquillo: per loro natura gli script non creano problemi)
Approximation (with a 99.7% confidence) of the probability of an event.  To modify the event, open the code and change the TruthValue function.  If you want to change the number of tests between one print and another, change the value in the "n+…" box.

n + ...

Click (1 or more times)
You can open the Code and modify the Event.
Save by clicking here (with the right mouse button) the file on your computer
(change the name if you want, but leave ".htm").
At this point you can use it to calculate any probabilty.
Just open the source code, edit TruthValue, and run "save".
You can repeat this several times.
Alternatively you can use R [see here]
I throw three dice. What is the probability of getting at least 2 equal numbers?

function TruthValue()
{ with(Math) {
U1 = floor(random()*6+1);
U2 = floor(random()*6+1);
U3 = floor(random()*6+1);
if (U1==U2) { V = 1};
if (U1==U3) { V = 1};
if (U2==U3) { V = 1};

I have (with "n+": 10000, 10000, 20000, 40000, ...):
n=10240000 44.443642578125% +/- 0.046584667751577526%
n=5120000 44.41736328125% +/- 0.06587676682454288%
n=2560000 44.437421875% +/- 0.09316804416641197%
n=1280000 44.4278125%  +/- 0.13175668240289726%
n=640000 44.41859375% +/- 0.18632827992836345%
n=320000 44.4684375% +/- 0.2635377451554643%
n=160000 44.32375%  +/- 0.37257684179693506%
n=80000 44.25125% +/- 0.5268164338326546%
n=40000 44.0025% +/- 0.7445942580419068%
n=20000 44.125% +/- 1.0533391879742468%
n=10000 44.23% +/- 1.4900531587301118%

I get an estimate of the probability, which can help me to check the possible
solution found theoretically  (in this case I know how to find it:
                    it is 0.444 ... = 1-5/6*4/6 = 4/9 - why?)