Put the inputs in the boxes and choose the operation.  Use PI [or 3.141592653589793] and NE [or 2.718281828459045 or exp(1)] instead of π and e [Euler's number].  Use A or B or C if you want to use previous output as input.  Use M and Q if you want to use data that you have written or copied in the M or Q box; Q is also used as "Pr" of the binomial distribution; you can also add or multiply data by Q.  Use Round to round to units or digits after or before them.

=   A

                =   B                
[ (-2.7)^(5/3) → -(2.7^(5/3)) = -pow(2.7,5/3) = -5.23…, but (-2.7)^(5/4) is not defined. Note that loga(x) = log(x)/log(a) ]

Enter the data separated by commas  (each possibly followed by *... with ... its frequency)

  =  C     

M   Q
Storing calculations (you can also annotate comments)

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