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Grafico della relazione inversa della funzione f / Graph of the converse relation of the function f

// --- f blue, g green, h red, k orange ---

function f(x) { y = Math.sqrt(x+1/x) ; return y }

aX = -3; bX = 8; aY = -3; bY = 8
Dx = 1; Dy = 1

function XX1(t) {x = Math.sqrt(t+1/t); if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x};
function YY1(t) {y = t; if(Iy(y)<1){y=1/0}; return y}; t1=-3; t2=8
for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);L1x[j]=XX1(t);L1y[j]=YY1(t)}

If in WolframAlpha I put  inverse of f(x) = sqrt(x+1/x)  I get  (x^2 ± sqrt(x^4 - 4))/2. I have to distinguish 2 cases:
(x^2 + sqrt(x^4 - 4))/2 & x>0  (green graph),  (x^2 - sqrt(x^4 - 4))/2 & x>0  (red graph).
On the right the graphs without imposing the condition x>0.

function f(x) { y = Math.sqrt(x+1/x) ; return y }
function g(x) { y = ( Math.pow(x,2)+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,4)-4) )/2 ; if(x < 0) {y=1/0}; return y }
function h(x) { y = ( Math.pow(x,2)-Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,4)-4) )/2 ; if(x < 0) {y=1/0}; return y }