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function f(x) { y = 1/0; return y }

aX = 0; bX = 9; aY = 0; bY = 9
Dx = 1; Dy = 1

Px=[0,4,6]; Py=[7,5,2]; C3="red"; C1=C4=C5="white"; C6="black"
L2x[0]=4; L2y[0]=5; j=1; for(i=0;i<36;i=i+1) {L2x[j]=4+Math.cos(Math.PI/180*i*10)*4; L2y[j]=5+Math.sin(Math.PI/180*i*10)*4; j=j+1; L2x[j]=4; L2y[j]=5; j=j+1}
L3x[0]=4; L3y[0]=5; j=1; for(i=0.5;i<36.5;i=i+1) {L3x[j]=4+Math.cos(Math.PI/180*i*10)*4; L3y[j]=5+Math.sin(Math.PI/180*i*10)*4; j=j+1; L3x[j]=4; L3y[j]=5; j=j+1}
L4x[0]=4; L4y[0]=5; j=1; for(i=0;i<36;i=i+1) {L4x[j]=4+Math.cos(Math.PI/180*i*10)*3.5; L4y[j]=5+Math.sin(Math.PI/180*i*10)*3.5; j=j+1; L4x[j]=4; L4y[j]=5; j=j+1}
L5x[0]=4; L5y[0]=5; j=1; for(i=0.5;i<36.5;i=i+1) {L5x[j]=4+Math.cos(Math.PI/180*i*10)*3.5; L5y[j]=5+Math.sin(Math.PI/180*i*10)*3.5; j=j+1; L5x[j]=4; L5y[j]=5; j=j+1}
L6x=[0,4,6+2*2/3]; L6y=[7,5,2-2]

R=4; P=4; Q=5; gr1=0;gr2=360
 function XX(t) {x=Math.cos(t)*R+P; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x}
 function YY(t) {y=Math.sin(t)*R+Q; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return y}; t1=Math.PI/180*gr1; t2=Math.PI/180*gr2
 for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);Lx[j]=XX(t);Ly[j]=YY(t)}
R=3.4; P=4; Q=5; gr1=0;gr2=360
 function XX1(t) {x=Math.cos(t)*R+P; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x}
 function YY1(t) {y=Math.sin(t)*R+Q; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return y}; t1=Math.PI/180*gr1; t2=Math.PI/180*gr2
 for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);L1x[j]=XX1(t);L1y[j]=YY1(t)}
R=1; P=4; Q=5; gr1=-206;gr2=-56
 function XX9(t) {x=Math.cos(t)*R+P; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x}
 function YY9(t) {y=Math.sin(t)*R+Q; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return y}; t1=Math.PI/180*gr1; t2=Math.PI/180*gr2
 for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);L9x[j]=XX9(t);L9y[j]=YY9(t)}

AAX="0"; BBX="9"; AAY="0"; BBY="9"

linew2=2; linew3=1; linew4=linew5=3

// se vuoi colorare l'interno del poligono L o L1 o ... L9 poni Co="colore" o Co1="colore" o ... Co9="colore"
// if you want to color the inside of the polygon L, L1 or ... L9 set Co="color", Co1="color" or ... Co9="color"
Co1="white"    // ho cancellato interno del cerchio di R=3.4 / I cleared circle with R=3.4  

// Per un'ulteriore griglia (puoi cambiare colore) / to have an additional grid (you can change color)
Cgr2 = Cgr; xx1=[];yy1=[]; for(i=0;i<9;i=i+1) {xx1[i]=i+1; yy1[i]=i+1}
// Ho mantenuto il colore Cgr della vecchia griglia / I kept the color of the old grid