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// parabola with vertical axis 
function g(x) { y = x*x; return y }

aX = -4; bX = 4; aY = -3; bY = 3
Dx = 1; Dy = 1

AX = aX; BX = bX; AY = aY; BY = bY

// parabola with horizontal axis 
function XX(t) {x=t*t; if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x}
function YY(t) {y=t; if(Iy(y)<1){y=1/0}; return y}; t1=-2; t2=2
for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);Lx[j]=XX(t);Ly[j]=YY(t)}
// spiral 
function XX1(t) {x=Math.pow(t,0.65)*Math.cos(t); if(Ix(x)<1){x=1/0}; return x};
function YY1(t) {y=Math.pow(t,0.65)*Math.sin(t); if(Iy(y)<1){y=1/0}; return y}; t1=0; t2=20
for(j=0;j<=5e3;j=j+1) {t=t1+(t2-t1)/5e3*(j-1);L1x[j]=XX1(t);L1y[j]=YY1(t)}