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function f(x) { y = 1/0; return y }

aX = 0; bX = 160; aY = 0; bY = 900
Dx = 10; Dy = 100

Lx = [ 0,11,15,19,31,31, 48, 56, 66, 83,101,114,121,132,158]
Ly = [12,17,29,24,43,43,109,163,192,325,317,389,397,473,806]
Q1x = Lx; Q1y = Ly
xx = [50,100,150]; yy=[500]
AX = "m"
BX = ""
AY = "km"
BY = "altitudini delle stazioni ferroviarie lungo la linea Padova-Calalzo"

AAX="0"; BBX="150     "; AAY="0 "; BBY="900 "