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function te(h,m) {t = (h-15)*60+(m-30); return t}
aX = 0; bX = 210; aY = 0; bY = 160
Dx = 10; Dy = 10
Q1y=[0,11,15,19,31,31, 48, 56, 66, 83,101,114,121,132,158]
Lx=Q1x; Ly=Q1y
xx=[60,120,180]; yy=[50,100,150]
AX = "km";  AY = "minuti trascorsi"; BX = ""
BY = "posizione treno Padova-Calalzo al passare del tempo"
AAX=0; BBX=210; AAY="0 "; BBY=160